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Zandra Rolón Amato (left) and Deborah Johnson, 1984. To learn more about Deborah Johnson and Zandra Rolón Amato and the Papa Choux restaurant discrimination case, have a look at the links, photos, documents, and episode transcript that follow below. Their landmark discrimination case, which was led by attorney Gloria Allred, has particular resonance today as a growing number of Americans claim they have a legal right to discriminate against LGBTQ people, most famously in the case of a baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, which you can read about here.

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When Deborah Johnson and Zandra Rolón Amato, two twenty-seven-year-old veterans of the LGBTQ civil rights movement, headed out for a romantic dinner on Thursday, Januat the Papa Choux restaurant in Los Angeles, they had no idea that they’d wind up in court defending their right to be served.

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Zandra Rolón Amato (left) and Deborah Johnson in front of the Papa Choux restaurant sign following their court win in 1984.

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