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The boys don't spend too much time before getting down to that good, hard fucking they've been looking forward to. Boy, Ivan gets extremely hard during this intense slurping and Guy loves it. 'Mmm hmmm!!' Then it's Guy's turn and we get to watch this wild man in action! Guy really tosses his inhibitions out the window when he sucks cock, and it's a beautiful thing. 'You sure do like a hard cock in your mouth,' Claude remarks to Ivan as he goes to town on Guy's luscious meat. Ivan suuuuure likes that suggestion and Guy's dick fattens up inside Ivan's mouth quickly. But what Guy may lack in experience, he makes up for with passion!Just like he did with Quentin, Guy asked Ivan to wrap them soft lips around his cock, right from the get go. He has a very special cute, spunky energy and a nice, plump ass to which I can't say 'no'! This time, he's paired up with a less experienced recruit, Guy Houston.

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Most of you know how much I've been enjoying Ivan James, and I know everyone else has has been too.

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Ivan James & Guy Houston Military Porn Video - ActiveDuty.

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